The Student Guide On ... With ... (Pick Up The Mic)
The Student Guide (previously known as Pick Up The Mic) is an ongoing podcast series, based in the United Kingdom (UK), that explores important themes such as race, and discusses support services available to young people from diverse backgrounds with their development, particularly as they navigate through the impact of the pandemic on employment and education. This podcast is a reflection of all our personal experiences, journeys in life, and backstories.
The Student Guide On ... With ... (Pick Up The Mic)
Transformative Takeaways - Embracing Your Journey Mentorship, Responsibility, and Sharing Your Story
In this empowering episode, we explore the various themes of our Takeaways from Season 6, centred around personal and professional growth. Key messages include the importance of sharing your story and embracing failures as steps towards success. The discussion highlights mentorship's vital role, urging everyone to seek mentors actively and foster a supportive network. Each unique journey holds invaluable lessons and potential for growth and fulfilment.